What is normal in Australia but ridiculous in the rest of the world?

Water-saving at any cost.

What is normal in Australia but ridiculous in the rest of the world?

Once a friend of mine and I were vacationing in England and managed to find a nice little short-term rental apartment (this was before Air B&B).
During our stay, we befriended an Australian tourist who was camping nearby. She loved to camp, she said but missed taking a bath. So we offered the bath in our apartment and she gratefully accepted.
When she got out, toweled off, nice and clean, she asked if either of us wanted to get into the bath before the tub was drained. We stared agog at one another at the awful prospect of bathing in someone else's lukewarm bathwater.
She seemed to notice our discomfort and explained that in Australia water is at a premium and draining a tub without giving others a chance to make use of the water was seen as wasteful.